Monday, January 4, 2010

you are hesitant wears linux? try formerly menytro live cd!

why many people dislike to wear linux? a lot of the cause. there that have occasion to if linux that is difficult, too much command based on text, display gui- lose looks, and still many again reason other sometimes not logical.
Believe, if you have known linux, certain madly in love with linux. besides free, linux that has a lot of latent potential that can we are exploration farther. If not, why google until use linux at product android.
Well, make that still hesitant and not yet sure like to what sih ability linux that there is a way of safe to try it, that is with menytro linux live cd.

Menytro live cd this is unnecessary menginstall at computer. enough insert cd containing menytro at drive cd rom, then restart computer. thereby you are unnecessary has worried suppose operating system other that there are at computer will lost.

You interested to try it? there are some menytro proper you try, that is among others:


Perhaps there experience that with menytro live cd the other? please -share here.


Anonymous said...

blankon, linuxmint, redhead and more...

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