A question short with long answer. Actually bothing that difficult at linux if you have realized base operation a os computer. If you accustomed have worked with Windows, so in a short time you soon will realize and dominate linux.
Difficulty that faced beginners usually revolve around election menytro linux (. . . yes, there hundreds 'kind linux at front you! . . . ), manner makes partisi and installation technique (dizzy neighbour, files at harddisk lost all flutter try to install linux! . . . ), and manner has accessinged data files that there are (. . . how does data destiny at my windows? . . . ). troubleshoot furthermore workplan election and technical use utility system at linux.
Next tip for you:
Tip 1: Choose Menytro Popular
yes, look for information and get cd installation a menytro popular at your environment. If many friends wears linux Ubuntu, why not come along to wear Ubuntu. If Internet Cafe half wear linux SuSe, yes look for CD SuSe, let can chatting at Internet Cafe half. More popularer menytro your choice, more and more friend that realize and ready help your difficulty.
Tip 2: Wear Live CD
Does that Live CD? . . . this one of the Operating System use innovation Linux. You are unnecessary installation Linux or sacrifice contents harddisk you to operate Linux. With Live CD, you can run linux safely in your computer (reads: Windows) pass a chip cd. You live membooting computer with live cd, wait a minute, well. . . operate “computer Linux” instant you.
Although run from a chip CD, you can use program and utility linux in its entirety and normal like if you operate a linux installed at harddisk. Finished session wear operating system linux with live cd, you regain use OS long at harddisk, like former.
In this time there are some choice menytro linux live cd (well..!! ). confused choose live CD? Remember Tip no. 1 If familiar with operation technique linux, new installation linux permanently in your harddisk.
Tip 3: Read and Read!
You are difficulty gets strong friend at Linux? Don't desperate, Linux prepare documentation in its entirety hit matters appropriate topic, technique, or program that want you know. A part documentation even presented in Indonesian.
These days also available books Linux, choose (. . . and buy) book topic appropriate your need. Alternative other, at Internet available various article and technical pilot hits use Linux ready you download freely.
Tip 4: Ready Umbrella Before Rain
Back up entire datas at harddisk you before install Linux. In many cases, because take a wrong step, entire contents harddisk destroyed after try to install Linux. Prepare chip CD sufficient or move data to harddisk other.
All be easier and fast if you install Linux in harddisk empty/new, but otherwise there, so back up data always suggested. If you have laided data in folder aloof, partisi aloof, or even harddisk aloof, so procedure do backup and data restoration (if need) ed will be easy and hurry. but, if data you widespread at various folder outlying place, so now lah moment it you are earning to discipline in managed data well and efficient. Do before all late.
Tip 5: Make to What Busy?
" . . . Why must i dizzy think technical matters, choose menytro, partisi, install, back up, even less? i wear windows also never at make dizzy with manner installs, choose OS, application, bla bla... All ready at PC New! I only want to wear Linux let safe from sweeping, i only want PC to make mail and routine reports! . . . " .
So approximately expression the customer. Yes, there the true also this thinking. You must not busy think technical matters to work with computer Linux. Outside there many prepare technical service that will help transition process system at your office. Cast aside a little estimation for system preparation Linux at PC, and you live to use it. Easy such as those which you have done moment wear Windows.
Tip 6: Many Roads Aims Data
same as in Windows, you can work and choose certain application to does certain task. you only necessary detect to correspond application and alternative program that can you use. Linux has various software to various need. The operation manner in general also same. Open, close, save, copy, paste, standard terms can you recognize at every application program, belong at Linux.
A large part application linux can to read and cultivate data kinds that you have made or you have when wear Windows. Data file for example processes document, data processes number, presentation file, picture, up to film collection and song. See tip 2 to attune self with applications Linux.
Tip 7: Prepare Coffee and Snack ^_^
This is most you beed if decide to install Linux self and begin to try program / utility at linux. Can will so you prolonging in front of monitor just for will wait progress pothouse at sail soon finished, temporary you not yet can twist favorite song at mp3 player.
Difficulty that faced beginners usually revolve around election menytro linux (. . . yes, there hundreds 'kind linux at front you! . . . ), manner makes partisi and installation technique (dizzy neighbour, files at harddisk lost all flutter try to install linux! . . . ), and manner has accessinged data files that there are (. . . how does data destiny at my windows? . . . ). troubleshoot furthermore workplan election and technical use utility system at linux.
Next tip for you:
Tip 1: Choose Menytro Popular
yes, look for information and get cd installation a menytro popular at your environment. If many friends wears linux Ubuntu, why not come along to wear Ubuntu. If Internet Cafe half wear linux SuSe, yes look for CD SuSe, let can chatting at Internet Cafe half. More popularer menytro your choice, more and more friend that realize and ready help your difficulty.
Tip 2: Wear Live CD
Does that Live CD? . . . this one of the Operating System use innovation Linux. You are unnecessary installation Linux or sacrifice contents harddisk you to operate Linux. With Live CD, you can run linux safely in your computer (reads: Windows) pass a chip cd. You live membooting computer with live cd, wait a minute, well. . . operate “computer Linux” instant you.
Although run from a chip CD, you can use program and utility linux in its entirety and normal like if you operate a linux installed at harddisk. Finished session wear operating system linux with live cd, you regain use OS long at harddisk, like former.
In this time there are some choice menytro linux live cd (well..!! ). confused choose live CD? Remember Tip no. 1 If familiar with operation technique linux, new installation linux permanently in your harddisk.
Tip 3: Read and Read!
You are difficulty gets strong friend at Linux? Don't desperate, Linux prepare documentation in its entirety hit matters appropriate topic, technique, or program that want you know. A part documentation even presented in Indonesian.
These days also available books Linux, choose (. . . and buy) book topic appropriate your need. Alternative other, at Internet available various article and technical pilot hits use Linux ready you download freely.
Tip 4: Ready Umbrella Before Rain
Back up entire datas at harddisk you before install Linux. In many cases, because take a wrong step, entire contents harddisk destroyed after try to install Linux. Prepare chip CD sufficient or move data to harddisk other.
All be easier and fast if you install Linux in harddisk empty/new, but otherwise there, so back up data always suggested. If you have laided data in folder aloof, partisi aloof, or even harddisk aloof, so procedure do backup and data restoration (if need) ed will be easy and hurry. but, if data you widespread at various folder outlying place, so now lah moment it you are earning to discipline in managed data well and efficient. Do before all late.
Tip 5: Make to What Busy?
" . . . Why must i dizzy think technical matters, choose menytro, partisi, install, back up, even less? i wear windows also never at make dizzy with manner installs, choose OS, application, bla bla... All ready at PC New! I only want to wear Linux let safe from sweeping, i only want PC to make mail and routine reports! . . . " .
So approximately expression the customer. Yes, there the true also this thinking. You must not busy think technical matters to work with computer Linux. Outside there many prepare technical service that will help transition process system at your office. Cast aside a little estimation for system preparation Linux at PC, and you live to use it. Easy such as those which you have done moment wear Windows.
Tip 6: Many Roads Aims Data
same as in Windows, you can work and choose certain application to does certain task. you only necessary detect to correspond application and alternative program that can you use. Linux has various software to various need. The operation manner in general also same. Open, close, save, copy, paste, standard terms can you recognize at every application program, belong at Linux.
A large part application linux can to read and cultivate data kinds that you have made or you have when wear Windows. Data file for example processes document, data processes number, presentation file, picture, up to film collection and song. See tip 2 to attune self with applications Linux.
Tip 7: Prepare Coffee and Snack ^_^
This is most you beed if decide to install Linux self and begin to try program / utility at linux. Can will so you prolonging in front of monitor just for will wait progress pothouse at sail soon finished, temporary you not yet can twist favorite song at mp3 player.
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